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Snagging and defects / Re: Snapping/Cracking Noises Heard In Room Below
« Last Post by lukey on June 15, 2023, 04:01:15 pm »
Also builder is Wates, never buy a house from them
Snagging and defects / Re: Snapping/Cracking Noises Heard In Room Below
« Last Post by lukey on June 15, 2023, 04:00:03 pm »
Well the builder (who I would recommend no one to ever buy a house from due to possibly the worst customer service I have ever seen from any company in existence) have told me that they think it meets the "NHBC" standards so I'm going to have to get a NHBC inspector in who the builder confidently assured me they are 'independent'.
Snagging and defects / Help!!! - Uneven Floors Upstairs
« Last Post by Sarah Walden on June 10, 2023, 02:36:21 pm »
I have an issue that I would appreciate your thoughts on.

I have recently purchased a new build home and have a mountain of issues. The most problematic one being that I have a large ridge in my upstairs flooring. The carpet has been lifted and there is a difference in levels between floor boards. The builder has tried to rectify the problem before I moved in by shaving some off the floor board :/ which has caused a mountain effect rather than a step up and not rectified the problem at all. The difference in height is about 6 mm and very noticeable under the carpet.

The long ridge runs in line with a load bearing wall (exactly) underneath. I think this wall has been built too high which is what is causing the problem - however this is not something the house builder is suggesting or admitting.

There response to solving the problem has been the following :

"In this house type, there is a load bearing blockwork wall between the living room and kitchen / dining room which continues between the stairwell and utility room. This wall position is under the landing and the corridor between the wardrobes of bedroom 1.

The first-floor structure is made up of joists and chipboard flooring. Engineered joists have been used which is typical for around 20 years now rather than solid timber joists and software from the manufacturer of the engineered joists was used by the supplier to us, to design a layout. The design has a change of direction in the joists, which occurs under the landing and in the bedroom corridor which can be seen highlighted in the excerpt below. Joists over the lounge and hall run parallel to the load bearing wall that joists over the kitchen / dining room that are laid perpendicular to the internal load bearing wall.

Timber is affected by thermal movement and moisture and as it dries it can twist and crack and loose shape. Moisture can swell timber and it can dry with the swelled dimensions. Engineered joists are the answer to solving most of the movement that can occur with timber and it also enables far greater spans to be achieved, although we are not looking at extremities of span distance here. However, all joists spanning distances will deflect, with allowable regulated tolerances this can be as much as 12mm. The joist running parallel to the kitchen / dining wall might not have been dead straight to begin with due to the movements of timber, and now have loading within it causing deflection. The joists perpendicular was measured 2 to 3mm bigger than design height as well. So, we have culminated in differences in heights that have left a step.

The proposal is to apply a levelling compound to the top of the chipboard flooring on the lower side to lose the step in the floor. This is a recognised solution which has been tried and tested, and is designed to address issues such as these when they arise. We can confirm that we will replace the carpet in the master bedroom, landing and stairs."

My thoughts
I don't like to sound of this levelling compound and don't understand why they are not fixing the root cause which is to sort out the joist that is too high. If they put this levelling compound down how would I access under the floor boards in the future if I had to get to any cables ? Also will this work ? Will it crack? Is levelling compound suppose to be put onto wooden floor boards. It all sounds like a quick fix to me rather than sorting the problem out. It also sounds messy. I am not sure as well how far they are planning to apply this compound as it will effect 2 bedrooms and a landing which is huge disruption.

I am exhausted after moving in 6 weeks ago, I have had issue after issue after issue and I can't go through another disaster so want to make sure this is the right solution.

Any help you can provide would be gratefully received. I am not sure whether they have involved the NHBC in this solution, which is another concern of mine in terms of structural warranty once the builder has disappeared in two years :/

Snagging and defects / Re: Snapping/Cracking Noises Heard In Room Below
« Last Post by lukey on June 03, 2023, 09:31:22 pm »
Ah right thanks. Builder currently trying to stall me out. Been over a month since the NHBC have gotten involved and they haven't really done anything and keep sending emails making excuses for why they haven't done anything for the past few weeks. At what point can I just ask the NHBC to send an inspector round because the builder doesn't seem interested in understanding and addressing the issue in a timely manner.
Snagging and defects / Re: Air bricks missing
« Last Post by New Home Expert on June 02, 2023, 05:58:00 am »
Most new homes these days have a suspended beam and block ground floor. These will have an air gap under to floor as they are suspended (span between walls) above the ground.

Air bricks at 2500mm centres are required in warranty standards and should have been noted they were missing with warranty inspections.  You Professional Snagging Inspector should have also noted this. 

It is not just an air brick, but the air supply needs to be ducted using a "periscope vent" to under the floor.

You may have a solid, ground bearing concrete floor (no airbricks required) and your neighbours have a beam and block suspended ground floor as perhaps the backfilling would exceed 600mm for solid floor if, the air brick houses are built on a sloping ground.

You should check your NHBC warranty card as this will details what type of ground floor you have for your home, assuming it was in fact, filled out correctly.  You can now ask for all records of building Inspections made to your house during construction. Ground bearing (solid) concrete floors (that is the ground they rest on and the damp proof membrane), must be inspected before the concrete is poured.

Snagging and defects / Air bricks missing
« Last Post by roger.cleary on June 01, 2023, 06:53:39 pm »
I have an Avant new build (purchased June 2022). I've had a professional snagging assessor not long after we moved in. There were no major issues reported and none have surfaced.

I've become worried as I've noticed neighbours in an identical house have got air bricks fitted but they appear to be missing on my own property. My immediate neighbours also appear to be missing them, but beyond them some houses do and some don't.
The floors are concrete so there is no void beneath the house that needs ventilation. I can easily see the damp proof layer around the house and it appears 2-3 courses of bricks above the ground. I don't think they are buried underneath the landscaping or drive tarmac.

Before I go and check with the builder:
  • Are there any circumstances why the same design house would have air bricks and another 2 doors down wouldn't?
  • Is is possible they are redundant on the other house, but my home is fine without?
  • If they are required, how feasible is it to retrofit them?

Hi, new to this site so hope my post is in the right place. Really need some help if possible, thank you.


Myself and my partner purchased a property from a developer 11 months ago in a development of 23 flats. We were one of the first residents to move in.

The first day we moved in we heard a whirring, pumping noise coming through the walls. We could hear it in the whole flat (it's a three bedroom flat) but particular in the main bedroom and bathroom. At first we thought it was an upstairs neighbour drilling something, however we very quickly discovered that the developer has situated the plant room for the centralised heating network directly behind the wall that backs onto our flat. In the room there is an enormous water tank system that creates a huge amount of noise every time the water is used by any of the residents in the building.

We immediately emailed the developer and asked for something to be done and one of their team who assists with general maintenance visited the site and said the room would need to be insulated to prevent the noise travelling.

A few weeks later we chased up as nothing had been done and we explained that it was impacting our sleep. They told us "the directors have agreed in principal to some sort of insulation".

After that, months went by with them saying that it "hadn't been actioned yet". We then went away for two months, during which time we emailed asking for an update, and they said it was going to get done very soon.

We came back home and more people had moved into the flats, making the noise so much worse than before we left as it’s far more frequent. If anyone in any of the 23 flats is using a tap or shower, the water pump is making the noise.

We emailed again asking what's happening and explained our distress further, they said they'd "been round to have been round to look at the spacing between the wall and the tank, to see what they can do". We continued emailing and waiting, and during this time our neighbour approached me outside, asking if I could hear the water pump room, as he couldn’t sleep due to the noise even with ear plugs in as his bedroom is directly above it.

Eventually someone came round and started ‘soundproofing’ the room, which involved putting several small blocks of rockwool pads on the floor. We were told they were coming back to finish it later in the week.

They never came back and we were then told that they had to contact an engineer instead of finishing the soundproofing.

This was back in early March, since then we have been emailing constantly asking for an update and they are refusing to provide any information on it whatsoever. They have been flat out ignoring all emails or avoiding the subject entirely and replying regarding more general snagging issues. Our upstairs neighbour (who is a on a shared ownership so he has to go through the management company) is also having the same experience, hearing that it's been 'passed onto the directors'.

The warranty is the Build Zone Consumer Code.

We’re really devastated and are being driven crazy by this. We can't sleep without ear plugs and we can't concentrate when working from home. We've explained this to them multiple times.

Any help or advice hugely appreciated.

General discussion / Re: Water ingress to garage.
« Last Post by New Home Expert on May 27, 2023, 10:09:09 am »
Your sarcastic comments have been removed!
I suppose you think you are funny but you are not.

No further replies from me will be made.
General discussion / Re: Water ingress to garage.
« Last Post by p.carroll82 on May 25, 2023, 08:25:40 pm »
Thanks for your reply, I initially put the comment in the general discussion so moved it to snagging.

Again appreciate the feedback and will address this tomorrow.
Solicitors and Legal Issues / Re: Lawyers and class action
« Last Post by New Home Expert on May 22, 2023, 07:47:13 am »
First of all thank you for your appreciation of this forum.

Unfortunately, most people today are only interested in getting their own issues fixed.
Quiet often they sign a non-disclosure agreement which means they cannot hep others on the same development, thus saving the plc housebuilders money in carrying our work necessary but as yet not known to these homeowners.

I only recommend one legal firm and solicitor who specialises in helping new homeowners get justice and taking legal action against housebuilders.
Timothy Waitt
Solicitor & Partner

For and on behalf of
Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP
The Beehive Coffee Tavern
496 Streatham High Road
London SW16 3QB

DD 020 7940 4090
T 020 7940 4000
F 020 8664 6484
DX 58604 Streatham
W anthonygold.co.uk
Twitter @Anthonygoldlaw

If you reserved after 4 October 2023, you can use the New Homes Ombudsman Service.

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