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David Wilson Homes / Re: Aggressive Salesmanship
« Last Post by New Home Expert on July 06, 2023, 10:53:13 am »
All property transactions mean that the seller must obtain proof that funds are available for the purcahse to proceed.
Mortgage agreement, existing house valuation, savings and proof of income. Most of this crap is to do with Anti Monet Laundering.

Most housebuilder's require exchange of contracts in 28 days which means you find and pay the 10% deposit to your solicitor.

DO NOT USE DAVID WILSON HOMES suggested or recommended solicitor(s).

It may seem one-sided, which it is, but it is normal.
You run the risk that by the time you legally complete the house is valued less due to a housing market crash.
Conversely, if may (unlikely at the moment) be worth more by the time you complete.

You will have at least the benefit of the New Homes Ombudsman Service.
Ask them about this and please post their reaction.

Snagging and defects / Re: Snapping/Cracking Noises Heard In Room Below
« Last Post by lukey on July 03, 2023, 06:18:28 pm »
Well good news at least I guess as the NHBC report has deemed it to be excessive and has stated the builder must address it by the end of August.
David Wilson Homes / Aggressive Salesmanship
« Last Post by ChelseaStroller on July 02, 2023, 10:36:26 am »
I'm about to complete on the sale of my house and will be moving into rented until November which is the proposed completion date of my DWH new build.
I've reserved the house and DWH are very aggressive and are pressing me to exchange on the purchase and pay the 10% deposit even though it's completion is months away.
They made it their business to find out the schedule of my sale which strictly speaking was none of their business because the chain ended with my sale.
So I'm about to become a cash buyer but I'm not sure that I want to exchange on the purchase until nearer the completion date but I'm wondering if DWH will cancel the reservation agreement and put it back on the market. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
I want the house but the whole thing is so one sided.
Persimmon Homes / Re: New build brickwork
« Last Post by New Home Expert on July 01, 2023, 11:12:28 am »
Being in the building industry and yet buying a Persimmon new home?
Didn't you read online what they are like, so bad they had to get an independent review  carried out which was damning.

To answer your question, yes the brickwork looks bad and yes if you have 35mm perp joints this is unacceptable.
But what can you do now? You have Exchanged and you either lose your 10% deposit or you buy this house.
Persimmon can tart it up a bit, cleaning the mess with brick acid, but this could mean your mortar is weakened and it falls out over the next 2 years. Try getting that sorted under the warranty!

Worse of all, your home is being built by a site manager that thinks this is acceptable "nothing wrong"

All you can do is write a letter to the Managing Director at Persimmon's regional office (or get your solicitor to write it - I hope you haven't also used a solicitor recommended by Persimmon!)  informing them in no uncertain terms, you will not be legally completing on this house until you are 100% happy with the brickwork, that is, it is built to a reasonable standard.

Please expect more horrors when you see inside your "finished home" for the first time.
Please do get this house professional snagged and inspected before you legally complete!

Assuming you reserved after 4 October 2022, you can make use of the New Homes Ombudsman Service which will force Persimmon to sort out all the defects.  You must complain to the NHOS before the end of the 2-year period after you legally complete.  If you do, there are a lot of stages to get through before they will accept a complaint. 

Snagging and defects / Re: Air bricks missing
« Last Post by New Home Expert on July 01, 2023, 10:58:17 am »
SAP is a Standard Assessment Procedure for assessing the energy performance of a building for compliance with Building Regulations.  It certainly does not replace the  NHBC Home Owners Card. 
You should ask the housebuilder for this if you do not have it.

You are now legally entitled to receive copies of all inspection records for Building Control carried out during the build.

Persimmon Homes / New build brickwork
« Last Post by Liam P on June 29, 2023, 09:43:26 pm »
I’ve recently purchased and exchanged contracts on my new build home before the build took place and now the brickwork is complete me and my partner are not happy with the visible outcome.

I’m looking for opinions/ professional opinions who can help me determine if and where there are issues with my brickwork. To us it’s just a mess, perp joints ranging from 35 mm to 5 mm and not lining up with the following rows. Wonky bricks. Wavey muck lines across the whole house.

I’ve yet to go to the house and check for plumb and all the structural side of things but visibly in my opinion it’s poor/unacceptable and upon complaining to the project manager I’ve been pushed aside and nothing is 'wrong' with it.
It’s a Persimmon home🤦🏻‍♂️Appreciate all advice and will attach some photos I’ve taken from outside the site gates.

I could be wrong ,which is why I’m seeking advice and opinions but the majority of people I’ve spoke to friends and workers on site (I'm a chippy) site agents agree with me that it’s to a poor standard and unacceptable.

Snagging and defects / Re: Air bricks missing
« Last Post by roger.cleary on June 21, 2023, 09:07:50 pm »
Thank you for your response.

I have had a look in the pack provided by the builder. I cannot find anything that purports to be a "NHBC warranty card" but have found the SAP report submission. Is this likely to be the same thing? The SAP report notes the ground floor to be of type "Solid" and it's construction to be "Suspected concrete floor, carpeted".

This seems to suggest that we should have air bricks.

I will contact the builder to see if they are able to provide inspection records that suggest anything different.
Snagging and defects / Re: Help!!! - Uneven Floors Upstairs
« Last Post by New Home Expert on June 19, 2023, 08:10:20 am »
What has occurred here is the wall is higher than the timber composite joists not the other way around.
Shrinkage of timber is common, which is why the NHBC warranty standards require a minimum 12mm projection of solid timber joists above steel beams.

See section 6.4 of the warranty standards.

My guess is, either a joist hanger or restraint strap is the cause of the bump in the flooring.
Composite joist that you have, do not shrink as much (if at all) as solid timber joists.

Regarding latex levelling compound, only a certain type will not crack when applied to timber chipboard flooring.

This defect is unlikely to be structural if it is the warranty "protection" covers a further 8 years. Regardless as the defect has now been reported, if not resolved (or causing other issues) it will/should be covered for 8 more years.

In the first instance before anything further is done a boroscope camera survey should be undertaken by the builder to find out the cause/reason. 
Most likely is, the joist manufacture's details have not been followed on site.

Snagging and defects / Re: Snapping/Cracking Noises Heard In Room Below
« Last Post by New Home Expert on June 19, 2023, 07:53:27 am »
Firstly, the NHBC is questionably "independent" in my opinion.
If you reserved after 4 October 2022, you can use the new New Homes Ombudsman Service, which covers inaction to correct defects and unacceptable customer service. It does not cover warranty providers.

The NHBC did at least tell you why they have done nothing so far.
As you have reported this within the first two years it is now a defect on record, that will continue under the warranty  "protection" even after 2 years, should it remain not resolved.
NHBC is now your only option.

Snagging and defects / Re: Snapping/Cracking Noises Heard In Room Below
« Last Post by lukey on June 15, 2023, 05:16:33 pm »
Builder now is refusing to respond to anything I say (regarding any issues) and immediately says to refer to the NHBC. I need to figure out a way to warn people not to buy any of the remaining properties on the development.
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