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Author Topic: Britain votes to Leave the EU - 24 June 2016 Independence Day  (Read 24008 times)

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The Prophet

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Whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you live, remember this day.

After 43 years of being dictated to by un-elected bureaucrats in Brussels, the British people have voted overwhelmingly to LEAVE the EU. From this day forward, the 24 June 2016 will be known as our Independence Day.

Out of 46,500,000 of those registered to vote (the highest ever) 72% turned out to vote 52% Leave and 48% Remain. with a Leave majority of 1,269,501 votes.
Leave      - 17,410,742
Remain    - 16,141,241

In Scotland and Northern Ireland the Remain had a majority.

The people have spoken. Now our government must extract the UK from the burden of the EU at the earliest possible opportunity. We can't leave overnight, but we must begin the process immediately. 

David Cameron is a failed Prime Minister. He instigated "Project Fear" , lied about his EU Reforms and is no longer fit to lead our great independent nation.

As in the past Britain has led the way. 
Other nations will now follow our brave confident lead and leave the EU.

David Cameron resigns
Cameron speaks outside Downing Street as he confirms he will be step down as Prime Minister before the party conference in October 2016. dignified in defeat he said:
"The result is the will of British people and that must be delivered as there is no doubt about the result.
spoken.  Their choice must be respected and everyone must help to make it work"


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Re: Britain votes to Leave the EU - 24 June 2016 Independence Day
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2016, 12:19:16 pm »
I am interested how Brexit will influence property markets in the UK and the EU.
Brokers believed in the slight fall of prices in England and Spain: they said Spain would suffer a wane of demand for real estate from British buyers who were extremely active in this market.
And in London the weak pound would play its part to attract new foreign investors.
However the thing is I do not see any difference in prices after two months. I follow the market of Spanish properties as I am planning to buy a holiday home but prices are 100% the same  or is it too early to make conclusions?

The Prophet

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Re: Britain votes to Leave the EU - 24 June 2016 Independence Day
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2016, 01:50:31 pm »
Brexit will have no influence on UK property markets other than it will be cheaper, due to the falling pound for overseas buying in London. Having said that the increases in Stamp Duty have already cooled the London market, again nothing to do with Brexit.

What will affect house prices and the UK property market is interest rates and the fix is in.
The Bank of England (and UK government policy) seems hell bent on keeping interest rates low as it can for as long as it can, resulting in even higher house prices and cheap availability of cheap money.

As for Spain, now Britain is leaving the EU, UK expats with Spanish properties will be feeling the affect of the weaker pound.

As with all the other spin from "Project Fear" - Brexit has affected nothing economically and probably wont but may be blamed for a recession down the line which was nothing to do with Brexit at all.