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Author Topic: Good advice - use a Professional snagging service  (Read 10310 times)

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Newman interiors

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Good advice - use a Professional snagging service
« on: December 30, 2019, 08:46:01 pm »
My name's Aaron Newman

I just wanted to bring something to the table in regards to new build properties

Do you know someone or are you yourself thinking of buying one of the many new build properties that are currently being built in Essex.

Having spent five years in the new build industry I am fully aware of the pitfalls of buying new.

Unfortunately a lot of new builds these days do not get finished as a brand new property and it is being highlighted a lot recently at how many faults or unfinished jobs are left outstanding at the time of you moving into your "brand new" property.

You are fully entitled to take someone to highlight the issues outstanding in your new property and for them to be dealt with before completion.

Unfortunately a lot of people would not know what to look for in a new build property, for as long as what you can see on the outside and if that's ok, then as far as you are concerned. It's ok.

But there may be hidden fault's, errors on installation of vital equipment and just a general fine eye for the finer faults that you would not see.

If this applies to you and you don't have any friends or family within the building sector to help you through this step then use a professional snagging service.

Most will be happy to come along. Walk behind you whilst your being directed around your new home and listing faults accompanied by pictures for each fault or incomplete installation. All the while your fully entitled to pick out things and ask questions to the sales or site management team in regards to your new home.

After the visit the inspector will compile the list of faults and accompanying pictures for this to be passed on to the sites finishing foreman or person in charge of the final completions of these builds.

Please feel free to get in touch for any free advice in the build up to any new build requirements you may have and I will be more than happy to help.

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Re: Good advice - use a Professional snagging service
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2020, 09:36:42 am »
We'll see!  Somehow I don't think you will be a regular on this forum helping others with free advice!

I've deleted your link and edited your post, as spamming is not tolerated on this forum.

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Tim Fee Snagging Inspector