Taylor Wimpey are notorious for this...
Sadly the local planning committees and councillors are weak and often powerless to act - The local authority will be receiving significant chunks of cash from central government for each new home built and Taylor Wimpey will also be "donating" money for the local authority to use for other projects - so essentially Taylor Wimpey are "buying" the power and control to do what they want.
To add insult to injury even if the local authority refused planning permission, Taylor Wimpey can appeal at ministerial level to have the local decision overturned. Ministers have made it clear that the financial recovery is resting on the shoulders of the house-building industry and therefore have a disincentive to refuse appeals from the national housebuilders - it is one big self-licking lollipop.
On another development in Hampshire, Taylor Wimpey are literally re-writing the rules as they go along - A community centre that is over a year late, sports facilities well overdue, roads and infrastructure left unfinished. These are all contractual commitments upon which the planning consent for the houses was granted! They have changed the planning layout to include more housing units, squeezing more in, changing the number of storeys to social housing units - the list goes on and on. These are all changes from the plans that were available to home-buyers when going through the conveyancing process. It makes a mockery of local democracy and common sense - where almost anything seems to have a "price".
On one part of the development there are high voltage powerlines and pylons over the properties - the sales team are telling potential buyers that there are plans to bury the cables underground, under the houses, once the development is complete....they will tell people anything for a sale!
You have some options: 1. Accept it; whilst your view might be impacted, at least you won't have too much noise or rowdy parties from the nursing home 2. Sell your house on the market before your neighbours do 3. Hunker down and fight nail and tooth - it will potentially mean getting all your neighbours and councillors on side and sharing legal costs. Sadly this may also mean going public and highlighting the issue, which may impact on your ability to sell your house! Taylor Wimpey know this too!
NHE is absolutely right - unless you can prove what you were told, Taylor Wimpey will deny it. You simply cannot trust them, from the sales and site team right up to their chief executive - they are a bonus driven company who do not care about their customers once you've handed over your money.
Taylor Wimpey: "we don't care, because we don't have to"
Good luck