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Author Topic: Why Are Taylor Wimpey Suddenly Being So Helpful  (Read 18935 times)

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Why Are Taylor Wimpey Suddenly Being So Helpful
« on: May 19, 2016, 07:49:49 am »
Wanted to get some advice on something...

I moved into my Taylor Wimpey home just over a year ago. I've had a significant amount snagging as well as a few major issues.

Each week throughout the last year, I would email my snagging sometimes and probably about 5% of the time I would mention some snagging verbally.  Not much at all.

Anyway, for the last year I had to fight and fight just for a response as usual.
But over the last 2 weeks, very randomly they've responded.
However I received an email out of the blue on Friday from their head office stating they want a full list of snagging that I've ever reported (even resolved ones) they state this is so they can manage any outstanding issues. Which is clearly not the truth as they don't need closed issues to sort out outstanding issues. I'm just wondering if with your experience New Home Expert you might know what they were up to.

It seems very unusual for them to request this after after most snagging has been resolved and the big issues are with the NHBC and third party professionals.

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Re: Why Are Taylor Wimpey Suddenly Being So Helpful
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2016, 08:37:24 am »
In the firm's annual report at the beginning of the year, Taylor Wimpey CEO Peter Redfern said
"During 2015, we achieved a customer satisfaction score of 86% (2014: 87%). We are disappointed that this has slipped. Whilst we operate in a cyclical market, we strongly believe that a customer centric approach is needed throughout the cycle. During 2015 we completed an in-depth review of every aspect and stage of our Customer Journey, to identify areas of improvement and to deliver a better homebuying experience for our customers.

Throughout the review, our focus has been on understanding our customers’ priorities to enable us to deliver at and ahead of expectations. We have also commenced the process of rolling out our new customer approach across the business with a focus on three main areas: our culture, management structure and process. This is to ensure that going forward we deliver the right product, supported by excellent customer service to all our customers at every stage of their journey with Taylor Wimpey. 

As part of this new approach, we have developed a customer mindset focused on delivering proactive, positive and professional service, which we want to ingrain in our behaviour with customers. We have also developed and will be embedding four customer commitments in the business, focused on getting it right first time, communicating well, keeping promises and finding solutions. 

In addition, during 2015, we have enhanced the capability and size of our customer service teams across the regional businesses, with the introduction of a number of key new roles. In 2015 we developed and started to implement a training programme to equip those employees interacting with our customers with the right skills to deliver a consistently great service. 

We are pleased to see a positive trend in customer satisfaction in the monthly survey scores in the second half of 2015. Customer service will remain a key priority for Taylor Wimpey in 2016 and on an ongoing basis."

All I can think is that your Taylor Wimpey region is making sure that they are delivering and can say that they have done all the snagging if asked by the board directors.

Alternatively they could be trying to justify that they have been more than helpful in the past and that further demands from you (the expensive, time-consuming major items) are unjustified.

Or if by "head office" you mean their main one at High Wycombe, as opposed to the regional office, it could be they are gathering evidence to either dismiss a regional director, or perhaps for their defence at an employment tribunal.

Quite frankly, if Taylor Wimpey don't have their own record of what they have done in your house then tough. I would just list what is left to do and the trouble you have had trying to get it sorted  and say there was so much over such a long period, that you can't remember it all as it was so stressful trying to get Taylor Wimpey to accept their warranty obligations and carry out the necessary remedial works.
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Tim Fee Snagging Inspector


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Re: Why Are Taylor Wimpey Suddenly Being So Helpful
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2016, 10:17:52 am »
Thank you for the quick reply NHE.

The strange thing is, any outstanding snagging the week before, Taylor Wimpey had already arranged to sort.
Which is so unusual because I wrote letters and yet more letters and email after email to try and get any response from them a few weeks back and I only got one random email from someone in customer services arranging dates and times for it all to be sorted.

The next week I get this email.

I spoke with my solicitor who said I should do it and that we don't want to give them a situation where I haven't cooperated. To be honest I'm reluctant to do so incase they use it against me. My solcitor advised to reply and put "Without Prejudice" at the top so they cannot use it against me.

I'm going to reply giving a list of outstanding snagging on the basis the reason they give is to understanding what's outstanding so they can fully resolve it. Why would they want to know items that have been fully resolved if this was the true reasoning? They wouldn't!

It came from my local regional office not High Wycombe so my thinking is their going to use it to say they've done a significant amount of snagging in the house and simply try and say I'm moaning etc.

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Re: Why Are Taylor Wimpey Suddenly Being So Helpful
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2016, 11:23:58 am »
Adding "Without Prejudice" is a good idea.
It does seem likely that Taylor Wimpey want to justify not doing anything further though in my opinion.
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