Home Owners > Solicitors and Legal Issues

Selling and buying a new home without using a solicitor


It is not worth the saving you may make in solicitor's fees compared to the risk you may be exposing yourself to.
You could end up owning a property with a defective title or without planning permission and subject to enforcements.
At least if you use a solicitor you have someone to sue if problems are discovered further down the line.

If you want to save on the cost of buying and selling a property -  solictors fees is the last place to go.
The biggest savings are if you sell the property yourself where you can save thousands not hundreds!

Not using a solicitor when buying or selling a house is madness in my opinion.
And the solicitor you do use should be independant.

The Brickkicker:
and avoid licensed conveyancers ...they are cheaper than solicitors for a reason


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