Home Owners > Solicitors and Legal Issues
Lawyers and class action
I love you for setting up this forum and sharing this info. Very disappointing that home owners can't club together on these issues and collectively make changes.
I'd be interested to know of there are lawyers working for groups of residents on some of the issues new build owners are raising. If so, does anyone know which solicitors/companies are working on which issues? Thanks
New Home Expert:
First of all thank you for your appreciation of this forum.
Unfortunately, most people today are only interested in getting their own issues fixed.
Quiet often they sign a non-disclosure agreement which means they cannot hep others on the same development, thus saving the plc housebuilders money in carrying our work necessary but as yet not known to these homeowners.
I only recommend one legal firm and solicitor who specialises in helping new homeowners get justice and taking legal action against housebuilders.
Timothy Waitt
Solicitor & Partner
For and on behalf of
Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP
The Beehive Coffee Tavern
496 Streatham High Road
London SW16 3QB
DD 020 7940 4090
T 020 7940 4000
F 020 8664 6484
DX 58604 Streatham
W anthonygold.co.uk
Twitter @Anthonygoldlaw
If you reserved after 4 October 2023, you can use the New Homes Ombudsman Service.
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