Home Owners > Solicitors and Legal Issues

House Deeds question.


I envisage paying my mortgage off some time next year.
Once I have paid off the mortgage, what should I do with the deeds of the house when the lender sends them to me?

If your property is registered with the Land Registry you do not need the deeds of the property as proof of ownership. If you bought your home in the last 20 years it is likely it will be registered with the Land Registry. If your home is not on the Land Registry you should register it as soon as possible. www.landregistery.gov

Your actual deeds are not as valuable as they once were.  There is no need to pay your lender, bank or solicitor to "keep them safe".
The actual deeds may save some time when it comes to selling your home.

The Brickkicker:
I am lucky enough to own my on home ...and asked my solicitor the same question what happens to the deeds

and ADMIN is correct the actual deeds it seems are going to soon become a thing of the past as electronic conveyancing takes over ....my deeds are held with my solicitor ( purely for the fact he has a fireproof vault ) ...but in the future we will rely less on paper documents.

You could do what I have done Brickkicker and scan the deeds onto your PC then transfer the files to a memory stick which you carry everywhere with you.
Whilst you are at it,  you could also keep photos of each room in your home (in case of fire) scans of insurance policies, important documents such as Birth certificates, Passports, Driving Licence, Share certificates, Credit Card numbers and Emergency numbers etc etc.

That way if disaster strikes you will at least have the records you need.

But..........  make sure the memory stick is password protected!

My solicitor wanted to charge me to store the deeds.

I will just keep them at home now.

Thanks for the advice.


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