Advice on buying a brand new home > Snagging and defects

Loft Insulation


I brought a new build property back in the summer from Linden Homes, and after the recent snow I have noticed a potential issue.

During the snowy period I noticed that the actual snow was falling off of my roof more frequently then other homes in the area. This got me thinking that my roof is potentially not insulated correctly. Now, I could potentially being paranoid about this but just thought it was strange that older houses roofs still had snow on but the snow had fallen off my property.

My theory was that the heat from the house was rising into the lost space, melting the snow, and causing the snow the slide off.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I have attached a photo for your reference.


New Home Expert:
Yes, I have seen a lot of this.
It could be due to the weight of the snow and the pitch of the roof and how hot the house is heated to.

But......... like you I suspect that insulation is either inadequate, or missing in parts.
The only way is to go up in the loft and check it!
You should have 250mm thick at least. This is usually 150mm rolled between the trusses and 100mm rolled out on top of the 150mm at right angles giving the 250mm.

If you can't be bothered, just wait until the next frost and look at your roof compared to the others.

Morning, admittedly I was thinking that the roof was on a steep angle but I will get up in to the loft and check.

If the insulation pitch is inadequate then builder should put this right, correct?


New Home Expert:
If roof insulation is less than 250mm then yes they should add another layer.


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