« Last Post by MG7410 on March 19, 2024, 09:36:21 am »
We are in the process of buying a new build from a small private developer.
We were able to view the property yesterday and I came away feeling really disappointed. It's far from finished, and my husband feels we should allow them time to finish and then address any concerns, but I can't help feel that we should be sorting these things out now.
Issues are-
1. Toilet has been positioned too close to a wall that has a heated towel rail on it.
2. Landing light has been repositioned several times, each time leaving holes in the ceiling. I know these can be patched, but I'm worried it won't ever look neat.
3. Kitchen has just been fitted though is currently covered over pending painting the walls. I was able to lift the edge and take a look at the hob. It's been positioned off centre to the extractor fan above.
4. The splashback is also off centre (albeit 3-4mm, but still). This is due to an electrical socket being positioned too close to the area. You can clearly see they've attempted to move the socket as there's plaster been gouged out from around it, leaving a great big hole, and all the debris is on my new worktop under the so-called protective cover.
5. There is some serious mould in the house, especially the kitchen where it is thick and furry. Could also see some in the living room but they did have a very small electric heater in there, and to be honest, I couldn't feel any warmth coming from it.
My concerns is that they will try and palm me off by saying it's normal in a new build, but both me and my husband have both separately bought new builds in the past and never had a problem with mould. I'm also worried that it'll just be wiped off and painted, but will cause us problems in the future.
I feel that some of these issues are sloppy errors, and maybe they'll be OK in the end, but it concerns me that these are errors that we can see - what about the ones we can't.