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Our government is the biggest bill you ever pay


The Prophet:
The largest bill you ever have to pay is not to buying your home, a new car or your children's university education.
- it is the one the government charges you to maintain its existence.
In Britain, the average worker has £46 compulsorily taken for every £100 earned to pay for the UK government.
All workers have no choice in the matter.  In 1900 it was only £8.  (8%)
Over a working lifetime, the average British worker pays a staggering £650,000 as his share towards our government.

The UK government insists on running (badly) a rapidly expanding welfare state with an ever-decreasing wealth-creating base.
Spending 50% of GDP is just not sustainable.
It is time to get out of the expensive and pointless EU altogether.
Our government should be getting rid of unnecessary "departments" that provide nothing but "jobs" for those in them, such as:
The Department for Business Innovation and Skills, the Department of Energy and Climate Change and the Department for International Development.

How the state gets its cash?
Unequal taxation: taxing different groups in different ways so that "while you have the hissing part of the flock having their feathers plucked you never have the whole flock of angry geese at once."   The more complicated and unequal the tax rates are, the more money the government is likely to raise.

Permanent government borrowing: Our government borrows but never pays anything back.  Bonds (Gilts) expire and are just re issued.

Manipulation of money: Deliberately producing inflation to transfer (steal) wealth from the private citizens to the public sector. Devaluation of money using Quantitative Easing etc.

This is all so obvious, so why do we all put up with it?


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