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Lawn care tips


There are a few simple tips that you can use to get your lawn looking green and lush like those on golf courses and bowling greens. For very quick results apply Sulphate of Ammonia. You will get a very green lawn fast but will need to cut it a lot more often.
1. Cut little and often
Never take off more than a third of the grass blade length as this damages the grass. In dry weather reduce the frequency of cutting and leave cuttings on the lawn to feed and provide some shade.
2. Watering
It is necessary to water your lawn, especially if it has not rained for three consecutive days during hot weather.  Never water during the day, most of the water will evaporate before it can be beneficial.  Water lawns in the evening after the sun has gone down. It is better to give the lawn one really good soak rather than a little every night, which only penetrates the top 10mm of soil.
3. Feeding
You should aim to feed your lawn three times a year, spring (March - April); summer; and autumn (September - October). Use the correct fertiliser for the season as the ingredients are different for each. Ensure the feed is evenly spread and water it in for quicker results.  This also stops the wind blowing away the fertiliser fine powder.
4. Aeration
This is required to allow light, moisture and air the reach the growing roots of the grass. Use a normal garden fork about 6 inches apart and 4 inches deep. The best time to do this is in October. This can prevent moss growth and water logging in winter.
5. Scarifying
Using an electric lawn rake, this removes thatch and dead grass and encourages new grass growth. It is a good idea to do this twice a year spring and autumn before applying any fertiliser.
6. Re seeding
If you have any dead areas these should be re seeded.  Rake out the area and apply a handful of seed and cover with earth or fine compost. Water the ground before and after applying seed. Only sow grass seed in the growing season - for best results sow in April.

All very well but it can take a great deal of time.
Watering in hot weather is probably the most important thing.
Has anyone used one of those services that care for lawns?

They tend to be expensive and only do what you can easilly do yourself.
It doesnt take that long Fred.
Cut once a week lawn rake twice a year - simples!

The Prophet:
Great advice Greenfinger.
Those lawn treatments can be a bit expensive though.


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