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Author Topic: Autumn lawn care tips.  (Read 13184 times)

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Autumn lawn care tips.
« on: October 26, 2011, 10:29:32 am »
October is the time to prepare your lawn for the winter ahead.
Time spent now will give your lawn the best chance of looking good over the winter and next year.

Top tips:
Clear the lawn of leaves on a regular (min weekly) basis. Fallen leaves can help moss to grow and stop light reaching the lawn.
Apply autumn lawn feed and weed.  This will kill any moss and other weeds and promote good root growth.
Scarify the lawn with a lawn rake to remove summer dead "thatch". This gives room for new growth and removes moss killed by autumn lawn feed and weed.
Brush off worm casts as and when necessary.
Cut the lawn as required until growth slows after the first frost. Set cutters higher to protect the lawn against frost.
Finally, keep off the lawn when it is waterlogged or frozen.


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Re: Autumn lawn care tips.
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2011, 07:50:30 am »
Hi there, thanks for the helpful post. What I want to know is, Would you lay a lawn in early November?
My brother is a Lawn Treatment Expert and is advising me to leave it till the spring.
The builder (Taylor Wmpey) has left topsoil in line with NHBC requirements, would I need to keep this covered up over winter if I left it?


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Re: Autumn lawn care tips.
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2011, 11:37:59 am »
With a new home I think it is better to wait until the spring before laying a new lawn. 
Late March would be the best time after the majority of frosts.
The reasoning being, that new turf has fertiliser in it and grows quite quckly. You may not get too many opportunities to mow it in November.
The topsoil used may also have lots of weed seeds in it.  If you leave the soil spread level, you can weed it as part of the preparation  just before you lay the turf.
Finally, you have just moved into a new home, the last thing you need to be thinking about is the garden.
You will probably have loads of jobs inside to keep you occupied.