Home Owners > Estate Agents

Estate Agents - Selling Your House

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The Brickkicker:
I actually started up an estate agency business  years ago ....I had it for a number of years

I had houses of my own to sell and thought I could do it better than the existing agents ....that bit was true

but I couldnt make money ...and keep my morals intact ...the back handed / underhanded world of estate agencies put me off them for good

fortunatly I bought the premises and made more on the buiding than I did in 3 years of being an estate agent.

I would always advertise privately first now

You cant be ethical and be an estate agent!

The Prophet:
There is now the selling online alternative too.
This was not an option years ago.
Most Estate Agents just put the details in their window and with Rightmove or Findaproperty and wait for a sale to get their 2.5%.
Why people dont do that themselves is a mystery to me.

You would think it was a lot easier to do it yourself now, but theres got to be a lot of hard work involved and how much people trust your valuations etc.

People keep saying its easier because of being online, but are there actually any sites out there where you can sell your house privately?

You can advertise your house for free on this forum!
In addition,  myhouseadvert.co.uk  can arrange for individuals to advertise their homes on rightmove and other online property sites.

If the valuation is not right, people will not buy.
In addition mortgage valuation will also show if a home is over valued by the current owner.

Most Estate Agents do now is advertise online anyway!


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