As you probably know, David Wilson Homes are a trading company of Barratt Developments.
You will also know that you have just 2 months remaining on your warranty to notify the house builder of defects in your property.
The first thing you need to do is WRITE to DWH and inform them of any new defects that have not been previously reported.
Whilst doing so you could also list the items that have been reported, attended to but still are not sorted out yet.
I would advise all UK new homebuyers to have their new homes independently professionally inspected BEFORE they complete the purchase.
It is always better and easier to get issues fixed before house builders get the money!
The HBF is an organisation set up for house builder to promote new homes. They will not do anything.
The NHBC will suggest you contact DWH until the 2-year part of the 10-year Buildmark warranty expires.
The NHBC may help you should the builder be fail to respond.
If you have been mis-sold then you are quite right to report the matter to your local trading standards office.
This may not help you, but it will send a message to house builders that they must be more honest and truthful, and any fines will hurt!
The new acts are the
Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 and the Business Protection from Misleading Marketing Regulations 2008
Have you asked DWH to buy your home back?
It is not unheard of and probably happens more than people realise. This would give you what you want and save DWH one hell of a lot of trouble.
You can put your story on a website, many unhappy homeowners are taking this route and it does get results.
You should be aware, particularly with Barratt, that any resolution will be on the condition of you're agreeing to a confidentiality agreement and taking down your website.